Thursday, October 22, 2009

Final post of the year for Secondary 1 :)

This will be the final post on my blog for the year. This year has been kind of difficult to cope due to the sudden change of surroundings and circumstances. I had to make new friends making me very lonely at the beginning of the year, and i dearly missed my primary school friends even till this day. I have come a long way I must say since I first stepped into this school, unaware of how the school looks like and lost in this huge place.

Due to the lack of accustoming, I was not able to do well for my exams. I started getting tense when I heard that I could not continue to Secondary 2 if I continued to fail my Chinese. I was scared by then as my other subjects were relatively okay and my math could cope very well.

Along the way of a hard and difficult year, I met some very good friends like Samson, Khe Han ( he was my first friend as we were in the same orientation group) and Wei Liang ( he was my second friend). I can still clearly remember the day when I became friends will Wei Liang. Just remembering it makes me laugh. I met him in the canteen and we realised we belonged in the same class. When we went to buy drinks, I paid for a watermelon juice. As I waited for it, Wei Liang held his chocolate milk which he had planned to buy. When I got my drink and walked of, then he realised he had not paid for his milk! That was the best day I had!

A few weeks after that, we had to choose my CCA and I got scouts! I was furious then! I could never get into the choice of my own! All I thought scouts would be about was just camp, footdrill and cooking. All I liked about it was cooking and nothing else.

I still distinctively remember the first time I went for Scouts camp. All of us thought it was very fun. Even the leader said it was fun! All I wanted to do after the camp was to just die! The food tasted horrible! There was no games! We had to solo hike in the school and solo night for one whole night and not just an hour. The leaders even told us around 30+ ghost stories of every single part of the school just before we went to bed. I was scared stiff! I even heard a woman's high heels footsteps which was what the leader said! My friend said that last year when he went for camp, he had to wake up for fire drill. He went to the water cooler to drink water and when he turned his head around, he saw a Japanese ghost sweeping the floor! On the second night we slept in a tent. We slept at 12 a.m. and were abruptly awakened by the leaders saying there was "a fire". We had to quickly pack our bags and run to the terraces with our heavy bags!. After that, we ran 1.6 km while singing songs at 3 a.m.! Then we had to do pumping on the track which has hard and painful. That was the worst camp I had ever been to. In the end, we had to run 3.2 km!

After overcoming many obstacles in my studies, I started to cope for my exams. I planned what I had to study way beforehand and got prepared. Now for the exams, I did better than I had expected it to be and I'm proud of myself! I have to especially thank Mr Balan for teaching me. Although he is very strict, he still teachers well and even somewhat gave us the answer for the literature component in the final year exam! Thank you.

Well, my last post of the year has finally come to an end and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. All those fond memories of my best friend will be treasured and kept well as I continue my journey to become a scholar one day and be a proud hwa chongian. :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My reflective journal

1. My parents have plenty of expectations for me if you were to ask. One of them will be to get grade 8 piano by next year. I have been playing piano for 8 years now. I started when I was in Kindergarden and now am learning for grade 8. I hope I will be able to pass my piano so that I can get rid of that burden. Another of my parents expectations is to get good grades for my exams and to get a good job when I grow up so that I will be able to support them. Unfortunately, one part of this expectation is half way there. I do not do totally well in exams and I even think I suck at my subjects. I don't do well in my English, Chinese but am still improving, History and Grography ( for this subject sometimes I do well, sometimes I do badly ) . The only subjects which I consider myself good in is Science and Math. I still have a long way to go before I can score in my exams.

2. For me, I wouldn't put too much burden on my children if I even do get married. I would just give them one objective that all parents have including In mmy own parents, do well in exams and do well in PSLE, O/N/A level and so on. This is the most common expectation for every parent as they will lose face if their children do badly in the exams. Doing well in the exams will also affect the children as it will determine whether or not the child is smart enough to qualify for University and continue studying and eventually earn a good amount of money to live comfortably. Without this expectation, children will have a care-less attitude and will not do well in exams.

3. In my opinion, I would say that the expectations of the two generations will not differ cause every parent wants them to do well in their exams.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Book review

I have just finished reading "Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH". The story tells us how Mrs. Frisby goes about taking care of here children and her sick child. Moving day will be coming soon but Timothy who is the sick mouse, is not strong enough to move. Hence, Mrs. Frisby meets a crow named Jeremy and he tells her that there is an owl living in one of the hollow trees in the forest and that she should meet him should she want to get advice on what she should do about moving day. The owl recommends her to seek help from the rats and tell them to move her house before moving day and talk to Nicodemus who is somewhat the chairperson of the rats. These rats are the civilized type and not the typical ones seen on the everyday streets. Nicodemus tells Mrs. Frisby his story about how he knows Mrs. Frisby's husband, Jonathan Frisby who got killed by Dragon the cat. Nicodemus tells her that they were ordinary rats looking for food when people caught them for an experiment and injected them with some liquid which was supposedly able to allow the rats to live twice as long and could make them smarter and intelligent. Slowly, the rats learned to read and write along the journey as they escape from the laboratory and enter somebody's house and read encyclopedias and later escape and arrive at where they are now. In order to move her house, the rats had to put sleeping powder into Dragon's food. While doing so, Mrs. Frisby gets caught by Dragon's owners and overhears that the rats were going to be exterminated.When she got out, she told Nicodemus everything and on the next day after moving the house, all the rats shifted out except for 10 of them who stayed back. In the end 3 of them died. As Mrs. Frisby did not tell her children the truth and what really happened, she decided to tell them everything and the truth, about the rats and how Jonathan Frisby was related to them.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Lesson

Quietness ruled OK in the staff room
as bravely the student walked in
the workaholics ignored him
his voice exploded with a boom

"The theme for today is violence
and homework will be set
I'm going to teach you a lesson
one that you'll never forget"

He picked on a teacher who was typing
and throttled hime then and there
then garotted the lady behing him
(the one with grotty hair)

Then sword in hand he hacked his way
between the quiet rows
"First come, first servered" he declared
"fingers, feet, or toes"

He threw the sword at an early bird
it struck with deadly aim
then pulling out a shotgun
he continued with his game

The first blast cleared the backrow
(where those who worked hard hang out)
they collapsed like plastic figurines
when the plug's pulled out

"I need to go to the toilet"
a teacher demanded
"Of course you may" said the student
put the gun to his temple and fired

The monitor popped a head round the doorway
while the chairman named Tom
nodded understandingly
the threw in a nuclear bomb

And when the ammo was well spent
with blood on every chair
and have the bomb exploded
leaving the whole school bare

The student surveyed the carnage
the dying and the dead
he laughed a wicked laugh
"I was just playing!" he said

Monday, June 29, 2009

Favourite poet

My favourite poet is Dylan Thomas. He was a neurotic, sickly child who shied away from school and preferred reading on his own; he read all of D. H. Lawrence's poetry, impressed by Lawrence's descriptions of a vivid natural world. Fascinated by language, he excelled in English and reading, but neglected other subjects and dropped out of school at sixteen. His first book, Eighteen Poems, was published to great acclaim when he was twenty. Thomas did not sympathize with T. S. Eliot and W. H. Auden's thematic concerns with social and intellectual issues, and his writing, with its intense lyricism and highly charged emotion, has more in common with the Romantic tradition. Thomas first visited America in January 1950, at the age of thirty-five. His reading tours of the United States, which did much to popularize the poetry reading as new medium for the art, are famous and notorious, for Thomas was the archetypal Romantic poet of the popular American imagination: he was flamboyantly theatrical, a heavy drinker, engaged in roaring disputes in public, and read his work aloud with tremendous depth of feeling. He became a legendary figure, both for his work and the boisterousness of his life. Tragically, he died from alcoholism at the age of 39 after a particularly long drinking bout in New York City in 1953.(

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Favourite poem and Figurative Language

Messy Room by Shel Silverstein
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
I knew it looked familiar!

Hyperbole-Oh, dear,
Metaphor-chair is becoming quite mucky and damp
smelly old sock had been stuck to the wall

The poet used these figurative language to emphasize how messy the room is and the things in his room.

I like this peom because the poet is able to make a room sound messy and is capable of making me imagine how messy the room really is. It also partly depicts a side of me because I also have a messy room sometimes.

Book review 4

I have just finished reading a book "Messenger" by Lois Lowry. It is about a boy named Matty, whom an old man took care of, who helps people send messages through Forest in Village. People do not dare to go through Forest themselves as it had killed many people in the past. All the people in Village had a certain skill like Matty but he did not know his skill yet. He wanted his true name to be Messenger. Much later, there was Trade Mart where people would trade their own things for other things. However, after this Trade Mart, everyone started acting strangely and Forest became more wild. All those who were nice in the past became selfish after Trade Mart. They even decided to close the gate in Forest to prevent other people from coming into Village. The old man who took care of Matty when he was in Village wanted Matty to bring his daughter Kira, who helped Matty escape to Village, to Village so that he could live with her. In the end, Matty heals Forest from becoming wild and Kira's comma which she got along the way and manages to bring Kira back home safely.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Book review 3

I have finished reading another book " Animal Farm" by George Orwell. This book talks about how animals go about managing their own farm after getting rid of Jones, the owner of Manor Farm before changing the name to Animal Farm. Old Major spoke to all the animals a few nights before he died about taking back what was rightfully the animal's. The animals decided to get rid of Jones and manage the farm on their own like plough the fields, milk the cows and other stuff. With Snowball as the leader, he made the seven commandments which became six. They are "Four legs good, two legs bad", "No animal shall wear clothes", "No animal shall sleep in a bed", "No animal shall drink alcohol", "No animal shall kill any other animal" and "All animals are equal". However, Napoleon, one of the pigs, did not like Snowball as a leader and disagreed to whatever Snowball suggested and wanted to be leader. He brought up nine puppies so that he could use them to be leader. He used the grown up puppies to chase Snowball away and he became leader from then on. Squealer kept convincing everyone that Snowball was bringing Jones back to the farm. Napoleon decided to steal Snowball's idea of making a windmill to generate electricity. From then on, Napoleon controlled everything and slowly one by one all the commandments were changed like "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets" and "No animal shall kill any other animal without cause". All the animals slowly grew old and died or Napoleon's dogs slaughtered them. One day, the pigs started walking on two legs and they held ad meeting with humans when they were supposed to avoid contact with humans. All the animals found that the pigs were beginning to become more like humans and the pigs at last changed "Animal Farm" back to "Manor Farm" as it was originally.

I find that we should not be selfish and not care about others if one wants to become a leader. We should think of others before thinking of one's wellbeing. Another thing is that we should not go to great lengths and do drastic measures if we have a grudge on someone.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Book Review 2

I have just finished reading 'Number the stars' by Lois Lowry. This book is more of a war type of book and depicts the friendship The Johansen family gives to the Rosens family, helping them hide from the Nazi's and escaping from Denmark to Sweden. It starts off when Denmark was overun by the Nazi's. TheRosens family stayed with the Johansens family in the same house, so Annemarie, Ellen and Kristie go home together everyday after school.

They lived peacefully until one day the Nazi's wanted to get rid of all the jews, which meant Ellen's family, the Rosens. Annemarie's parents decided to hide Ellen in their house while Peter, Lise boyfriend when she was still in Earth, decided to hide Ellen's parents. On that night, the Nazi's came into the Johansen's house and inspected everywhere making sure they were not hiding any jew in their house.

The next day after the Nazi's left, Annemarie's mother decided to bring her, Kristie and Ellen to her brother's place by train. Along the way on the train, Nazi's checked the train. At the house, they ate and slept. The next day at night, they had a pretend wake. Many people came. At night, the Nazi's came and asked them why many people were gathered at such a late time of the night. They told them they had a wake and asked if he knew their customs. He said he knew and said openning the coffin was part of the custom but they did not open it. Annemarie's mother said she died of an infectious disease and may still spread. Hence the officer told them to open it once he left.

When they left, Peter open the coffin and inside was towels for them to keep warm while trying to escape. Ellen and her parents had reunited. They led all of them to Annemarie's mother's brother's boat to be sent away to Sweden.

A few years later, the war ended. However the Rosens had not returned. Annemarie had to live by herself.

I learned that we should not take our friendship for granted. We may not be able to be with that person for a long time and may be forgotten. We should learn to treasure the friendship we have now and not waste it. I would recommend this book to others to read.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Book review

I have just finished reading a book called 'Alpha Force-UNTOUCHABLE' by Chris Ryan. This book is about a drug group Alpha Force is trying to take out. It begins when Paulo, a member of Alpha Force, accepts a girl named Tiff to stay with the group for some time. The problem starts when Tiff goes somewhere secret and desolate where people take drugs there. While the group was looking for Tiff, a men gives Li, another member, a drink. Alex who is Li's boyfriend snatches the drink away and drinks it and puts his hand around Li's waist to chase the man away.

When the group found Tiff and took her home, Alex decided to go for a jog at night. Suddenly, he sees something in a bothy. He decides to hide in a corner and wait for something to happen. The people inside the bothy throw some things out of the bothy and Alex sees them, thinking they are human lips, heats and livers. He goes home hallucinating, thinking about a disaster that happened years ago.

The next day, he and Hex go for another jog so that Alex could show Hex the location while Li, Paulo and Amber bring Tiff for a hike. On the hike, a couple asked them for directions while their dog ran into a bush. They heard a bite and a wail. They found that the dog was bitten by a poisonous snake, and adder. The dog's face was beginning to inflate and swell and was suffocating. They brought the dog to the nearest vet which was in a castle as soon as possible. They managed to bring the dog in time to the vet. The vet needed a cardboard box to carry the dog and told a gamekeeper in the castle to look for a box. The game keeper handed the vet a box which was labelled 'Ketamine'. The vet asked him where he got the box but the gamekeeper did not know. The vet said it was a drug. The vet took some of the box and left the rest. Alex and Hex arrived back in time to see the vet drive the god away. Alex picked up th carboard which still had the word 'Ketamine' on it. He found another gamekeeper's reaction suspicious when he demanded Alex to return him the box and gave him another one. Alex decided to bring home the cardboard. The group later found out that Alex had drunk ketamine that was dissolved at the place Tiff was at. This brings the group to dangers mattering of life and death such as nearly being burnt alive and one of the members gets shot by a gun. I would recommend this book to those who are keen on adventure.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Organ trading

I find that we should not encourage organ trading as it is illegal. Recently there has been a debate on whether organ trading should be illegalised in Singapore. There are black markets all around this world selling organs.

In Dehli, appoximately 2000 kidneys are being sold and the figure does not include donations and operations which are taking place.

For the sake of earning some money, people sell thier organs to patients. I find that these donars are foolish. For the sake of money, these people sell thier organs without realising what problems they will face in the future such as bladder problem, difficulty in peeing, failure of removing of waste from the body and so on.

If organ trading was illegalised in Singapore, I would not encourage it to other people due to the difficulties and challenges.

I hope organ trading would not be illegalised in Singapore so it would not be encouraged to the poeple and to prevent them from buying organs in the near future.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

FUNNY Videos

Hi! Here are some funny videos. Enjoy!

Book Review on Village By The Sea

Hi! I've just finished reading a book called Village By The Sea. It's quite a thin book but I took a week to complete it as I had to read it carefully since this was going to be my literature exam. Overall, I find that this book displays a great view of India in a rural point of view where the story takes place in Thul, near Bombay. The story is about a boy, Hari, going to Bombay to earn a living for the family since his father was often drunk and his mother was very ill. His sisters also are not able to work as their mother and father go to the hospital in Alibagh when Hari goes to Bombay. Their eldest sister, Lila, has to take care of their two younger sisters, Bela and Kamal, and do household chores for the De Silva's who come to stay in Thul whenever it is holiday season.

The characters in this story are Hari, Lila, Bela and Kamal, Pinto the dog, Hari's father, Hari's mother, Hira-bai (Hari's neighbour's mother), the Khenekar brothers ( Hira-bai's sons), the new watchman of the upcoming factory which is to be built in Thul, policeman in Bombay, Mr Panwallah the watchmender who taught Hari watchmending skills, Jagu the owner of an eating house who gave Hari a job to clean plates and make chapatti, Adarkhar the person who led the villages to protest against the government, Biju the richest man in town whom people think he smuggles, Sayyid Ali the birdwatcher, de Silva's who come to Thul during holidays and stay at mon Repos, Ramu who is Hari's friend and Jagu's wife.

There are five themes applicable to this story: Family, Change and Adaptation, Urban and Rural India, Poverty and Wealth and Benefactors.

Family: This story tells us how Hari gets along with his family and how they manage to survive despite thiers poverty.

Change and Adaptation: This story tells us how Hari managed to find a job to earn a living in Bombay, a concrete jungle. Hari tries to adapt from a dilapidated village to a hard sturdy country.

Urban and Rural India: This shows how Hari goes from Thul to Bombay.

Poverty: This shows how poor Hari's family is.

Benefactors: This shows how de Silva's helped Hari's family by providing them with jobs and brought his mother to the hospital and paying for her bills.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Father's Memorable Read

Dear Mr S,
I'm sorry I cannot give you any answer about your topic. My father said that he did not read any book which impacted him but was something else. I asked my mother but she could not remember which book impacted her because she read many books. I'm sorry I cannot give you an answer. My father also asked why don't you ask about a media or movie which impacted one's life. This was just a thought.
Yours Sincerely,

Monday, March 30, 2009

Camp again...YAYYYYYYYYYY!:):):):):):):):):):):):)

Just came back from another camp. Very tired! This time it was my CCA camp. The first day was a mixture of feelings for me. The day was boring but at night time I was freaked out. Even 1p416 was freaked out. That day, we pitched our tents and learned what was morning inspection. That was crazy! We had to unpack our bags in 3 minutes on our ponchos in order and then pack everything back in 3 minutes! We had to do it over and over and over again! So tiring!

Later at 8.00p.m., we ate our dinner before learning how to turn on the gas stove. Then, we walked blindfolded as a group to the JC side. There, we had to take turns to do a SOLO HIKE which freaked me out like hell because the scouts keep telling us ghost stories. In the end, I was the last person to go as I was to scared to move. I even cried silently. In the end, the scouts had to bring me back to the salt center where we were SUPPOSED to stay in. (take note of the word SUPPOSED) Then we had to bathe in 10 minutes. By that time, it was 12.05 a.m. in the morning! After bathing, we assembled with our sleeping bags at the student lounge. We did not know what was going to happen but we did not want to find out. The scouts said that we had to do a SOLO NIGHT! I wanted to scream in my heart and wanted to faint instantly. I was so scared of the dark, even at home a small dark room, I would scream running out of the room. Imagine how freaked out I was! Later, the scouts brought us to different places in the school to sleep. I had to sleep outside the drama center. I thought that I was safe because I had not heard any ghost stories about the drama center before. However, when I was about to enter my sleeping bag, I started hearing high heel sounds for more than 10 minutes. I wanted to cry but I got a grip of myself. I hid in my sleeping bag for the whole night, at the same time wondering why would the scouts ask us to pitch our tents when we we not going to sleep in it?!

I slept at 1.00a.m. because I could not sleep. While I was sleeping, one guy kept waking me up more than 5 times. So my sleep was broken. Don't be alarmed! I did not see a ghost. It was my friend. We were supposed to SOLO NIGHT but we were split apart for some distance such that you still thought you were alone. All the ghost stories that you hear in the morning may not seem scary to you but wait till you hear over 20 ghost stories at night!

The next day, all of us thought we were going to have fun, however we were being tortured! At 7.00a.m., we had to run 1.6 km and sing the school song at the same time. Then the Ventures keep shouting" Where's your sense of urgency!" "45degrees to your right! Pumping position down!" The floor was the track floor and was very rough. All you needed to do was place all you body weight on your hands on the track floor and you would be screaming in pain! After running, we went to eat breakfast before doing our morning inspection again! After morning inspection which was at 9.30a.m., we went to learn geography. This geography is way harder than the school geography. Wait 'till you try this test! After the test, we went to learn first aid. After the powerpoint, we were allowed to prepare for the campfire. However, none of us prepared. Some of us made the air-conditioned room even colder, some of us slept, some of us played with the blinds and one of us which was BoBo, took of his shirt and started swinging it around. We decided to have some fun so one of us took his shirt and hanged it outside the room while one of us pulled down his pants then we could see his underwear. One of us even accidentaly scratched his nipple! Later, we saw one of the scouts playing DotA uptill 1.00p.m. before we went for lunch.

After the lunch, we played a very lame game. I cannot recall what we did after the game. During dinner, we heard ghost stories from our scout leader who experienced before. I took the opportunity to ask the leader if the high heel shoe was true. Actually, it WAS TRUE! How scary! The high heel shoe thing was about a ghost story. It was said that at midnight, a chair will appear in the middle of the drama center. It would walk around thethe drama center at night. Because one of the legs was a woman's leg with a high heel on it, that's why t made those high heel sounds. So FREAKED OUT! Even while writing this I'm very scared! After dinner, we prepared for our campfire. At 8.00p.m., we had out camp fire uptill9.00p.m. I must say that the campfire was quite boring... Then, because it was EARTH HOUR, we could not throw away food so we had to stuff food down our throat even if we were not hungry. Then we had 1 hour to bathe. So relax! At 10.30p.m. we debrief before we went to our tents to sleep. 5 of us volunteered to clean the pots and pans. I was 1 of them. Instead of spending half an hour cleaning the pots and pans using detergent, 1 guy called Mark Themg who wears his pants very high cleared the food in the pots and pans using his hand! He ate all the food and what was supprising was that there was a lot of food left! In the end, we did not clean the pots and pans so we went to bed.

The next morning at 3.00a.m. there was a fire drill. So sickening! Break my peacefull sleep! We had to bring our bags and run to the terraces! Crazy! Then, we had to run 1.6 km again in the morning. We got a lot of scolding before we had to go back to bed at 4.30 a.m. The crazy thing was everyone was sweating like mad and so worked up how could we sleep?! I do not know how but we still slept.

At 7.00a.m., we ate our breakfast and then had morning inspection AGAIN! Then we had to unpitch our tents the we had to do different jobs of cleaning different places. At 10.00a.m., we changed out into our scout uniform for the investiture. The whole procedure was very long and took more than 1 hour and we had to stand still for that length of time! Anyway, after the investiture, I was so happy I could go home, far far away from the torture and the ghost stories...:)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Opinion about Tan Wee Sang and definition about black market

In my opinion, I do not agree with Tan Wee Sang about giving money to the poor so that they can start a business by selling and buying organs. However, he gave an example about the victims of the tsunami in 2003. He said that the people were poor but what I cannot understand is that if people start a business to earn money, their effort will be wasted because people cannot afford to but anything. Even so, if they sell things at a cheap price, then the sellers will not gain any profit so there will be no gain or lose but will be back to square one.

Next, I find that the definition of "black market" is illegaly buying and selling stuff which do not necessarily need to be organs. Black markets sell difficult to obtain items and organs are not difficult to obtain. Secondly, there is no black market in Singapore so it is pointless to try to sell things illegaly.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bad news again...

Duh! More bad news on the way! I got my 2nd math test results. I only got 27/40! Even worse! How horrible can my marks get?

About my scouts test results, I failed the first time. It was so difficult! You have to memorise practically the whole information which is quite a lot! Just because I made a few minor errors in four parts so I had to re sit the test. So unfair! I took my second test already and am waiting for the results this friday during the scouts camp. I hope this time I pass the test and get over with it.

Last week, we had to do job week, which meant we had to go around houses to do jobs to earn money to try to obtain the badge. I only collected $86, which meant I only got a broze badge. One guy got $145! I don't know how he got it but that is crazy!

So far, I have gone back on my word about scouts is lousy. Actually, now I find it a little fun. Hope I will enjoy myself this friday-sunday! Bye!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Maintaining school blog

If you have to ask me, I find that maintaining a blog is a very difficult task, much harder than starting a blog. Maintaining a blog requires one to keep getting current events so that he/she can make his/her blog more up-to-date and fresh with current articles even though it may not relate to the world but to the blogger.

What I dislike about blogging is that one has to constantly blog everyday if he wants to be a diligent blogger which I find it hard to become one. Even if you have an article one really wants to add to his/her blog, one needs to have the time to write because writing a blog requires mental power and one needs to think before they start writing or he/she may be mocked at by the way he/she phrases his/her context.

If one ones to improve on blogging, he/she should blog maybe once a week so that the blog is still new and current and in this way the blogger will have more time to do more things and can get better articles to add to his/her context. Oh by the way, I've added a few more books to my collection so please take a look at it. Thanks!

Holiday Season! Coming to an end...

This March holiday has been quite enjoyable I must say. Although it was not a very long holiday, at least it is still enough to free my mind from school.

The week before the holidays started, we went for a camp at Sarimbun camp site. Overall, I found the camp OK, in the sense that it was not as good as the rest I went to before. The first day was horrible, our lunch was supposed to be at 1.00p.m. but the trainers delayed it all the way up 'till 2.00p.m.! All of us had to starve for an hour more! Have you ever eaten food with only your spoon? I did because my fork landed somewhere in my luggage so I had to eat without it... After lunch, we had a Sarimbun race challenge. We had to go to 4 different stations and complete all of it in the shortest time spent.

My group had to do the challenge"Walk to civilisation" first. We had to walk to through a forest! At first my group and I could not find the entrance gate to the forest. We walk around the perimeter and finally found the entrance, luckily. Inside the forest, you could not find your way out of it but luckily the trainers made a pathway through it. Even so, we met a detour, where we had to chose between two paths. On the outside, both paths looked all right but if you look closer into the forest, you could tell that was not the right way because it was so pitch black.

After making our way out, following behind another group which was way in front of us, we spent an hour trying to find the next location of the challenge. We were so blur as we walked into the area more than 3 times and we still could not find the place. Could things get any worst? Finally on the 4th time, our trainer found the small pot to boil water. We then realised we were supposed to use natural resources to make a fire! First we found 3 big rocks then we put many dried leaves into the hole in the rocks. We then placed the pot of water over the fire. We left a hole open to put in the fire. So we got started. We were given a whole box of match sticks to light a fire but the whole box went to vain even though we sprayed alcohol which was inside the insect repellent. After half an hour, the other group which was leading just now came by and saw us and started boiling water. It was only later onwards that we realised that there was not enough oxygen flowing into the hole for the fire to burn and found out that we should had used tissue paper or toilet paper because it was highly flammable! So we took out all the rocks and placed many pieces of toilet paper and tissue paper on the dried leaves to make a big pile, then we lighted it up. We created a huge fire then we placed two rocks this time to allow air to enter and to balance the pot of water. Finally we got the water to boil and we got past the challenge. What was funny about the other group was that they created a huge fire but when they placed the pot onto the fire, the fire was immediately snuffed out.

At the next challenge we had to stand on two heavy planks of wood with five people on it and we had to coordinate well with each other to tell when we lift up our right or left leg together. During the challenge with two other groups, one group cheated by going up close to the center of the place. The main aim of this game was to catch as many balls as possible with a basket. So the other team went up close so their team mates could just take as many balls as possible and just dunk them into the basket.

After that unfair challenge, we went to the last challenge which was to make a catapult with a few pieces of rope and 5 pieces of wood. We were supposed to try to shoot the water bomb as far as possible from the the catapult. In this challenge, we won the challenge again and shot the furthest bomb.

After the dinner we went to sleep.

The next morning we got up early and ate breakfast. We first went to do some cooking then we went to the "Milo pool". I cannot understand the trainers. Why do they call the pool Milo pool when it is not the same colour as Milo and the water was only polluted. Ewww!!! All of us had to do this dive but those who had open wound did not have to do this. Luckily I had an open wound and so did not have to dive. My friend said my wound was so small and was just scared. However when I asked him to let me see his open wound, his open wound was only one tiny prick! I could not believe my eyes. This is what I call a scared chicken!

After the Milo pool we played some team building games before we went for lunch. I must say that I have a few objections about the camp. Firstly, I'm in group 24 which meant we were last in doing everything. Getting food, getting our tent etc. Secondly, we Pro Ed and Ortus have to sleep in tents while I spark and Aphellion get to sleep on beds?! There must be a misconception here!

Anyway after the lunch, we went to play some Frisbee and catching before we discussed about our camp fire song. A few other people and I were tired so we went to sleep on the grass but the trainers did not seem to mind. In the end I slept for 40 minutes. Quite refreshing I must say!

Just when we wanted to go rafting, it started to rain so we did not get a chance to raft. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! So we had our dinner, went to bath, pack our things and come back for the campfire. Unfortunately, being in group 24 did not make become last to be called out to sing our campfire song... All I could say was we made a fool of ourselves in front of everyone... I'm too embarrassed to say what happened.

After the campfire, we went to sleep.

The next morning, we packed all our things and left it in camp Kristine on the ground and went to have our breakfast. Then we went around the whole camp finding lost and found items. After walking around aimlessly for more then an hour, we decided to stop finding so our job was done. But our trainer wanted us to help the rest who were cleaning the tents. This was extra so we did not want to go because we were too tired but we gave in.

Me and a few others wanted to scold the student leaders because they were so naggy. First of all, they keep telling us to use our hands to clean the tent when our trainer told us not to use our hands. The thing I felt very angry about was all they knew was to nag at us to use our hands, but THEY themselves DID NOT use THEIR HANDS!!!!!!! Just thinking about all this stuff makes me go angry again!!! Then another student leader came up to us and told us that we are doing a lousy job. Luckily, Kevin Yong had the courage to speak up and tell them that this was voluntary and that we could not have done this but instead we could have just sat on the benches and drink cold Milo.

Finally at 12.00p.m. we left the campsite. When I got home, no rest for me! I had to study for my music test the next day and I studied all the way up to 11.00p.m. By that time I was dead tired but I hoped I did well for it.

This whole week of holiday had been very tiring because I'm a scout and this is job week so I have to go around doing jobs to earn money. So far I have collected $78 by doing work and just need $2 more to get a bronze badge. Other than doing jobs, I had to memorise 35 Chinese idioms! That was one tough nut but I'm still managing to do it. After doing homework, a good rest is deserved ain't it? So I spend the rest of the day doing work and watching Simpsons with my brother. Well, I think I should go now because I have been writing for more than an hour on this article! By the way, this clock which tells me when I publish this article is wrong. I publish my article at 11.55a.m. which is now and they say it is published at 8.52p.m. There is something wrong with this clock...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hi again! New post! Now I'v got more books in my book collection so please come to my site to take a look at the new books which I highly recommend.

If you have the time, please take your time to look through my collection and consider them. The best is The diary of a Wimpy Kid. Totally full of drawings to illustrate the story. Few words to sum up the book.

Another book is Percy Jackson. Totally mythical! Enjoy and imagine the battles and the adventures of Percy Jackson.

I think that will be all I'm going to write today. Bye!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hi again! Now I'm going to tell you all my reading habits.

I'm not such of a reader now a days. My mother told me that when I was very young, I liked to read a lot hence I nearly got full marks for all my subjects. But as I grew older, my reading habits slower faded away from me and I started hated reading.

Whenever my mother asked me to read again, I always told her I had no time to read books and when she bought new books, I just took a look at the cover of the book and if it does not look nice, I will just put the book aside.

The book which impacted me most was the book called Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief. My mother had bought it long ago and I did not bother to read it. Once I picked it up, I could not stop reading it. It was totally on myths and greek gods. Although the book was 350+ pages long, I finished it in 3 days which was an accomplishment for me because I usually take 1 week to read a thin book.

Since then, I bought the other series of Percy Jackson and read all of them already. Now, I'm waiting for the 5th book to come out so that I can get hooked on to it again and so I will start to read more books and improve my vocabulary.

You can come to this website my book list to look at my book list.

I'm more of an adventurous type of person so you will find a lot of adventure books there. But, I highly recommend them. If I recommend them, you should believe me.
Not been such a great few weeks!!! I didn't get into the CCA of my choice even though I tried to appeal. Instead I got into scouts...I'm sure you saw all the scouts on the 20/2/09 standing at the front of the terraces. We had to stand still for 40 minutes!!! My legs gave way once everyone left the terraces. My legs felt like jelly and no joke! I could not even stand up during that periiod of time. It was only after some time then was I able to stand up again to go back to class. We also did a cheer. When I first heard the cheer, I could not make out any sense of what they were saying. Later, they repeated it much more slowly and we could hear all the lyrics to the cheer. It goes like this:((~)means our school name)
Whad'cha gonna be?
~ ~ Scout!
Whad'cha gonna be?
~ ~ Scout!
Which step?
What type?

Sorry, I forgot the rest...

Anyway, it's not so fun to be in scouts but I hope it will be in the future. We even needed to take a test! It was quite difficult,but I will be going to get the results this Friday.

This Saturday I will be going for a beach cleaning CIP. I hope I will have fun.

I got not so great news for myself. I got scolded today by my mother for my very lousy results. I failed 2 papers and passed the others but not so great either... English=flunked:12/25 comprehension Chinese=flunked:39/90 I better start to work more harder! Math=28/40 BOO! Geography=20.5/30 not good. History=12/20 BAD! I still have'nt gotten back my science and computer test paper but I know that for this term, I will not do well for sure.

I hope I can work hard and be more independant in my self-study at home and score better grades for my upcoming exams.