Monday, March 30, 2009

Camp again...YAYYYYYYYYYY!:):):):):):):):):):):):)

Just came back from another camp. Very tired! This time it was my CCA camp. The first day was a mixture of feelings for me. The day was boring but at night time I was freaked out. Even 1p416 was freaked out. That day, we pitched our tents and learned what was morning inspection. That was crazy! We had to unpack our bags in 3 minutes on our ponchos in order and then pack everything back in 3 minutes! We had to do it over and over and over again! So tiring!

Later at 8.00p.m., we ate our dinner before learning how to turn on the gas stove. Then, we walked blindfolded as a group to the JC side. There, we had to take turns to do a SOLO HIKE which freaked me out like hell because the scouts keep telling us ghost stories. In the end, I was the last person to go as I was to scared to move. I even cried silently. In the end, the scouts had to bring me back to the salt center where we were SUPPOSED to stay in. (take note of the word SUPPOSED) Then we had to bathe in 10 minutes. By that time, it was 12.05 a.m. in the morning! After bathing, we assembled with our sleeping bags at the student lounge. We did not know what was going to happen but we did not want to find out. The scouts said that we had to do a SOLO NIGHT! I wanted to scream in my heart and wanted to faint instantly. I was so scared of the dark, even at home a small dark room, I would scream running out of the room. Imagine how freaked out I was! Later, the scouts brought us to different places in the school to sleep. I had to sleep outside the drama center. I thought that I was safe because I had not heard any ghost stories about the drama center before. However, when I was about to enter my sleeping bag, I started hearing high heel sounds for more than 10 minutes. I wanted to cry but I got a grip of myself. I hid in my sleeping bag for the whole night, at the same time wondering why would the scouts ask us to pitch our tents when we we not going to sleep in it?!

I slept at 1.00a.m. because I could not sleep. While I was sleeping, one guy kept waking me up more than 5 times. So my sleep was broken. Don't be alarmed! I did not see a ghost. It was my friend. We were supposed to SOLO NIGHT but we were split apart for some distance such that you still thought you were alone. All the ghost stories that you hear in the morning may not seem scary to you but wait till you hear over 20 ghost stories at night!

The next day, all of us thought we were going to have fun, however we were being tortured! At 7.00a.m., we had to run 1.6 km and sing the school song at the same time. Then the Ventures keep shouting" Where's your sense of urgency!" "45degrees to your right! Pumping position down!" The floor was the track floor and was very rough. All you needed to do was place all you body weight on your hands on the track floor and you would be screaming in pain! After running, we went to eat breakfast before doing our morning inspection again! After morning inspection which was at 9.30a.m., we went to learn geography. This geography is way harder than the school geography. Wait 'till you try this test! After the test, we went to learn first aid. After the powerpoint, we were allowed to prepare for the campfire. However, none of us prepared. Some of us made the air-conditioned room even colder, some of us slept, some of us played with the blinds and one of us which was BoBo, took of his shirt and started swinging it around. We decided to have some fun so one of us took his shirt and hanged it outside the room while one of us pulled down his pants then we could see his underwear. One of us even accidentaly scratched his nipple! Later, we saw one of the scouts playing DotA uptill 1.00p.m. before we went for lunch.

After the lunch, we played a very lame game. I cannot recall what we did after the game. During dinner, we heard ghost stories from our scout leader who experienced before. I took the opportunity to ask the leader if the high heel shoe was true. Actually, it WAS TRUE! How scary! The high heel shoe thing was about a ghost story. It was said that at midnight, a chair will appear in the middle of the drama center. It would walk around thethe drama center at night. Because one of the legs was a woman's leg with a high heel on it, that's why t made those high heel sounds. So FREAKED OUT! Even while writing this I'm very scared! After dinner, we prepared for our campfire. At 8.00p.m., we had out camp fire uptill9.00p.m. I must say that the campfire was quite boring... Then, because it was EARTH HOUR, we could not throw away food so we had to stuff food down our throat even if we were not hungry. Then we had 1 hour to bathe. So relax! At 10.30p.m. we debrief before we went to our tents to sleep. 5 of us volunteered to clean the pots and pans. I was 1 of them. Instead of spending half an hour cleaning the pots and pans using detergent, 1 guy called Mark Themg who wears his pants very high cleared the food in the pots and pans using his hand! He ate all the food and what was supprising was that there was a lot of food left! In the end, we did not clean the pots and pans so we went to bed.

The next morning at 3.00a.m. there was a fire drill. So sickening! Break my peacefull sleep! We had to bring our bags and run to the terraces! Crazy! Then, we had to run 1.6 km again in the morning. We got a lot of scolding before we had to go back to bed at 4.30 a.m. The crazy thing was everyone was sweating like mad and so worked up how could we sleep?! I do not know how but we still slept.

At 7.00a.m., we ate our breakfast and then had morning inspection AGAIN! Then we had to unpitch our tents the we had to do different jobs of cleaning different places. At 10.00a.m., we changed out into our scout uniform for the investiture. The whole procedure was very long and took more than 1 hour and we had to stand still for that length of time! Anyway, after the investiture, I was so happy I could go home, far far away from the torture and the ghost stories...:)

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