Friday, June 12, 2009

Book Review 2

I have just finished reading 'Number the stars' by Lois Lowry. This book is more of a war type of book and depicts the friendship The Johansen family gives to the Rosens family, helping them hide from the Nazi's and escaping from Denmark to Sweden. It starts off when Denmark was overun by the Nazi's. TheRosens family stayed with the Johansens family in the same house, so Annemarie, Ellen and Kristie go home together everyday after school.

They lived peacefully until one day the Nazi's wanted to get rid of all the jews, which meant Ellen's family, the Rosens. Annemarie's parents decided to hide Ellen in their house while Peter, Lise boyfriend when she was still in Earth, decided to hide Ellen's parents. On that night, the Nazi's came into the Johansen's house and inspected everywhere making sure they were not hiding any jew in their house.

The next day after the Nazi's left, Annemarie's mother decided to bring her, Kristie and Ellen to her brother's place by train. Along the way on the train, Nazi's checked the train. At the house, they ate and slept. The next day at night, they had a pretend wake. Many people came. At night, the Nazi's came and asked them why many people were gathered at such a late time of the night. They told them they had a wake and asked if he knew their customs. He said he knew and said openning the coffin was part of the custom but they did not open it. Annemarie's mother said she died of an infectious disease and may still spread. Hence the officer told them to open it once he left.

When they left, Peter open the coffin and inside was towels for them to keep warm while trying to escape. Ellen and her parents had reunited. They led all of them to Annemarie's mother's brother's boat to be sent away to Sweden.

A few years later, the war ended. However the Rosens had not returned. Annemarie had to live by herself.

I learned that we should not take our friendship for granted. We may not be able to be with that person for a long time and may be forgotten. We should learn to treasure the friendship we have now and not waste it. I would recommend this book to others to read.

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