Saturday, June 20, 2009

Book review 3

I have finished reading another book " Animal Farm" by George Orwell. This book talks about how animals go about managing their own farm after getting rid of Jones, the owner of Manor Farm before changing the name to Animal Farm. Old Major spoke to all the animals a few nights before he died about taking back what was rightfully the animal's. The animals decided to get rid of Jones and manage the farm on their own like plough the fields, milk the cows and other stuff. With Snowball as the leader, he made the seven commandments which became six. They are "Four legs good, two legs bad", "No animal shall wear clothes", "No animal shall sleep in a bed", "No animal shall drink alcohol", "No animal shall kill any other animal" and "All animals are equal". However, Napoleon, one of the pigs, did not like Snowball as a leader and disagreed to whatever Snowball suggested and wanted to be leader. He brought up nine puppies so that he could use them to be leader. He used the grown up puppies to chase Snowball away and he became leader from then on. Squealer kept convincing everyone that Snowball was bringing Jones back to the farm. Napoleon decided to steal Snowball's idea of making a windmill to generate electricity. From then on, Napoleon controlled everything and slowly one by one all the commandments were changed like "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets" and "No animal shall kill any other animal without cause". All the animals slowly grew old and died or Napoleon's dogs slaughtered them. One day, the pigs started walking on two legs and they held ad meeting with humans when they were supposed to avoid contact with humans. All the animals found that the pigs were beginning to become more like humans and the pigs at last changed "Animal Farm" back to "Manor Farm" as it was originally.

I find that we should not be selfish and not care about others if one wants to become a leader. We should think of others before thinking of one's wellbeing. Another thing is that we should not go to great lengths and do drastic measures if we have a grudge on someone.

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