Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hi again! Now I'm going to tell you all my reading habits.

I'm not such of a reader now a days. My mother told me that when I was very young, I liked to read a lot hence I nearly got full marks for all my subjects. But as I grew older, my reading habits slower faded away from me and I started hated reading.

Whenever my mother asked me to read again, I always told her I had no time to read books and when she bought new books, I just took a look at the cover of the book and if it does not look nice, I will just put the book aside.

The book which impacted me most was the book called Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief. My mother had bought it long ago and I did not bother to read it. Once I picked it up, I could not stop reading it. It was totally on myths and greek gods. Although the book was 350+ pages long, I finished it in 3 days which was an accomplishment for me because I usually take 1 week to read a thin book.

Since then, I bought the other series of Percy Jackson and read all of them already. Now, I'm waiting for the 5th book to come out so that I can get hooked on to it again and so I will start to read more books and improve my vocabulary.

You can come to this website my book list to look at my book list.

I'm more of an adventurous type of person so you will find a lot of adventure books there. But, I highly recommend them. If I recommend them, you should believe me.


  1. Great electronic bookshelf. What a coincidence, I am waiting for my favorite author, Guy Vanderhaeghe, to come out with his next novel. I keep checking online to see when it will be realeased, but nothing so far. Mr. S.

  2. Hello. I don't think you know me... I just happen to come across this blog... I am also a great fan of the PERCY JACKSON series. LOL
