Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hi again! New post! Now I'v got more books in my book collection so please come to my site to take a look at the new books which I highly recommend.

If you have the time, please take your time to look through my collection and consider them. The best is The diary of a Wimpy Kid. Totally full of drawings to illustrate the story. Few words to sum up the book.

Another book is Percy Jackson. Totally mythical! Enjoy and imagine the battles and the adventures of Percy Jackson.

I think that will be all I'm going to write today. Bye!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hi again! Now I'm going to tell you all my reading habits.

I'm not such of a reader now a days. My mother told me that when I was very young, I liked to read a lot hence I nearly got full marks for all my subjects. But as I grew older, my reading habits slower faded away from me and I started hated reading.

Whenever my mother asked me to read again, I always told her I had no time to read books and when she bought new books, I just took a look at the cover of the book and if it does not look nice, I will just put the book aside.

The book which impacted me most was the book called Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief. My mother had bought it long ago and I did not bother to read it. Once I picked it up, I could not stop reading it. It was totally on myths and greek gods. Although the book was 350+ pages long, I finished it in 3 days which was an accomplishment for me because I usually take 1 week to read a thin book.

Since then, I bought the other series of Percy Jackson and read all of them already. Now, I'm waiting for the 5th book to come out so that I can get hooked on to it again and so I will start to read more books and improve my vocabulary.

You can come to this website my book list to look at my book list.

I'm more of an adventurous type of person so you will find a lot of adventure books there. But, I highly recommend them. If I recommend them, you should believe me.
Not been such a great few weeks!!! I didn't get into the CCA of my choice even though I tried to appeal. Instead I got into scouts...I'm sure you saw all the scouts on the 20/2/09 standing at the front of the terraces. We had to stand still for 40 minutes!!! My legs gave way once everyone left the terraces. My legs felt like jelly and no joke! I could not even stand up during that periiod of time. It was only after some time then was I able to stand up again to go back to class. We also did a cheer. When I first heard the cheer, I could not make out any sense of what they were saying. Later, they repeated it much more slowly and we could hear all the lyrics to the cheer. It goes like this:((~)means our school name)
Whad'cha gonna be?
~ ~ Scout!
Whad'cha gonna be?
~ ~ Scout!
Which step?
What type?

Sorry, I forgot the rest...

Anyway, it's not so fun to be in scouts but I hope it will be in the future. We even needed to take a test! It was quite difficult,but I will be going to get the results this Friday.

This Saturday I will be going for a beach cleaning CIP. I hope I will have fun.

I got not so great news for myself. I got scolded today by my mother for my very lousy results. I failed 2 papers and passed the others but not so great either... English=flunked:12/25 comprehension Chinese=flunked:39/90 I better start to work more harder! Math=28/40 BOO! Geography=20.5/30 not good. History=12/20 BAD! I still have'nt gotten back my science and computer test paper but I know that for this term, I will not do well for sure.

I hope I can work hard and be more independant in my self-study at home and score better grades for my upcoming exams.